Projects By Wideangle

Hassle Free | Deadline Guarantee

How To Design Your Dream House With Deadline Guarantee With Minimal Interaction, with Minimal On-Site Visits, No Headaches and Good Quality

WHO ARE MY GUESTS? |『Kelly的心窩』Kelly’s New Crib | EP5/6 | [A SuperSeed TV Original]

WHO ARE MY GUESTS? |『Kelly的心窩』Kelly’s New Crib | EP5/6 | [A SuperSeed TV Original]


6 May 2017

誰是我的來賓?WHO ARE MY GUESTS? |『Kelly的心窩』Kelly’s New Crib | EP5/6 | [A SuperSeed TV Original]

What's up in Kelly's New Crib? A brand new look, of course! Follow Singaporean singer Kelly Poon on her bedroom renovation journey, from concept to reality! -- Join Kelly as we take you to on this fun-filled journey of revamping the crib!

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『Kelly的心窩』Kelly’s New Crib | WHAT‘S HAPPENING?! Room Decor Haul! | EP1/6 | A SuperSeed™ TV Original
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我的夢想睡房完成了!MY ROOM TOUR!! |『Kelly的心窩』Kelly’s New Crib | EP6/6 | A SuperSeed™ TV Original